Our Projects
Many Hands Make Light Work - Many Hearts Bring Great Joy
The Kreter Foundation gifts residents of the Herberge Plus Organisation in Lüneberg, Germany 110 care packages of food and personal care items. The organisation provides housing shelter and support to those fragilised by poverty, social isolation and other mental challenges. Thorben Peters, manager of the shelter alongside his team received with great pleasure the gift boxes on behalf of the organisation from Silke Kreter, Vice President of the privately founded Kreter Foundation.... Read more
There is an exciting journey ahead to the 2026 World Cup, see the players in action with captivating images... Read more
We invest in the future by providing sponsorship and support in the areas of education and technology which are fundamental pillars of our mission. Stay informed about our exciting projects and hear the stories of individuals who have been positively impacted by these initiatives.
A social farm supports people who are physically or mentally disadvantaged in a safe and inclusive environment, cared for by a committed team. Residents are encouraged to develop their potential, gain confidence and integrate as part of their communities by participating in a range of activities.